

common questions

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The timeline for delivering your order will depend on the product and the time you place it. Visit the order tracking section, which is one of our wonderful benefits, located at the bottom of the page under the Great Benefits section, or click on the order number in the order confirmation email to know the status of the shipment.

We care about the details of every order we receive, but if an error occurs, we will take care of shipping the product back to us. If there is a manufacturing defect in the product, the customer has the choice either to refund the value or to send the requested product and ship it for free.

Yes you can! This takes place on the first day of receiving the order, and the customer bears the shipping cost, provided that the product has not been opened.

Unfortunately, we cannot do this after the order has been shipped.

Yes, you can get free shipping when the value of your items exceeds 89 riyals and they are shipped for free to anywhere in the Kingdom.

The shipping company employee will contact you if the order is outside Riyadh (or one of the Centershop representatives inside Riyadh) on the mobile phone number registered with us to coordinate with you on the date of receiving the shipment. It should be noted that it is necessary to answer incoming calls to your mobile phone so that the representative responsible for delivery can coordinate with you on the delivery date of the order. Please note that the official working days at Centreshop are from Sunday to Thursday, and that delivery is not available on Fridays, Saturdays, holidays and official days.

Free shipping in the Kingdom

When you order for 89 riyals

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