Kitchen and home appliances

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لوح تقطيع خشب مخطط 30*40سم

Striped wood cutting board 30*40cm

Striped wood cutting board Size 30*40cm
Wooden cutting board, 29.5*40 cm

Wooden cutting board, 29.5*40 cm

wood cutting board Size 29.5*40cm
لوح تقطيع سميك مع يد ستيل 30*40سم

Thick cutting board with steel handle, 30*40 cm

Thick cutting board with steel handle Size 30*40cm
لوح تقطيع اخضر 35*50سم

Green cutting board 35*50 cm

Green cutting board Size 35*50cm
لوح تقطيع احمر 35*50سم

Red cutting board 35*50 cm

Red cutting board Size 35*50cm
كسارة البندق ستيل

Steel Nutcracker

Steel Nutcracker
هراسة البطاطس ستيل

Steel potato masher

Steel potato masher
مغرفة ايسكريم ستيل

Steel ice cream scoop

Steel ice cream scoop
مبشرة ستيل

Steel grater

36.00 28.00
Steel grater Black with brown color
فرشة زيت سيليكون

Silicone oil brush

26.00 22.25
Silicone oil brush Black + red color
فتاحة علب

can opener

Manual can opener red color
فتاحة علب

can opener

Manual can opener Black color
فتاح علب

Can opener

can opener Black color
طقم معيار بلاستيك

Plastic standard kit

Plastic standard set Multiple sizes Black color
طقم معيار بلاستيك 4ح

Plastic standard set 4h

25.00 20.00
4h plastic standard set Multiple sizes and colors
طقم قمع ستيل 16ح

16H steel funnel set

16pcs steel funnel set polymorphic
طقم قطاعة عجين3ح

Dough cutter set 3h

28.00 24.00
3pcs dough cutter set Multiple sizes
Plastic spoon set

Plastic spoon set

Plastic measuring spoon set in different sizes Black color
فرشة سيليكون

Silicone brush

Silicone brush Black with red color
فرشة سيليكون 2ح

Silicone brush 2h

Silicone brush 2h Black color
كراون ميزان القهوة 0.1-3000جرام

Crown coffee scale 0.1-3000 grams

Crown Coffee Scale 0.1-3000g Black color
Brazilian Rosa Coffee 1 kg

Brazilian Rosa Coffee 1 kg

High quality Brazilian Rosa coffee 1 kilogram
Brazilian Rosa Coffee 250g

Brazilian Rosa Coffee 250g

Rosa coffee is of high quality Brazilian coffee 250g TRANSLATE with x English Arabic Hebrew Polish Bulgarian Hindi Portuguese Catalan Hmong Daw Romanian Simplified Chinese Hungarian Russian ChineseTraditional Indonesian Slovak...
Ethiopian Goji Coffee 250g

Ethiopian Goji Coffee 250g

High quality Ethiopian coffee 250 g TRANSLATE with x English Arabic Hebrew Polish Bulgarian Hindi Portuguese Catalan Hmong Daw Romanian Simplified Chinese Hungarian Russian ChineseTraditional Indonesian Slovak Czech. Czech Italian...
Ethiopian Goji Coffee 1 kg

Ethiopian Goji Coffee 1 kg

High quality Ethiopian coffee, weighing 1 kg TRANSLATE with x English Arabic Hebrew Polish Bulgarian Hindi Portuguese Catalan Hmong Daw Romanian Simplified Chinese Hungarian Russian ChineseTraditional Indonesian Slovak Czech. Czech...
هوم وي مقلاة رخامية غير لاصقة 24سم

Home Way Marble Non-Stick Frying Pan 24cm

Home Way Marble Frying Pan 24cm Non-stickable Heat insulated handle
هوم وي مقلاة رخامية غير لاصقة 26سم

Home Way Marble Non-Stick Frying Pan 26cm

126.00 107.75
Home Way Marble Frying Pan 26cm Non-stickable Heat insulated handle
هوم وي مقلاة رخامية غير لاصقة 28سم

Home Way Marble Non-Stick Frying Pan 28cm

Home Way Marble Frying Pan 28cm Non-stickable Heat insulated handle
هوم وي مقلاة رخامية غير لاصقة 22سم

Home Way Marble Non-Stick Frying Pan 22cm

74.00 64.50
Home Way Marble Non-Stick Frying Pan 22cm Non-stickable Heat insulated handle
هوم وي مقلاة رخامية غير لاصقة 28سم

Home Way Marble Non-Stick Frying Pan 28cm

Home Way Marble Non-Stick Frying Pan 28cm Non-stickable Heat insulated handle
هوم وي مقلاة رخامية غير لاصقة 24سم

Home Way Marble Non-Stick Frying Pan 24cm

Home Way Marble Non-Stick Frying Pan 24cm Non-stickable Heat insulated handle
هوم وي مقلاة رخامية غير لاصقة 26سم

Home Way Marble Non-Stick Frying Pan 26cm

Home Way Marble Non-Stick Frying Pan 26cm Non-stickable Heat insulated handle
هوم وي مقلاة رخامية غير لاصقة 32سم

Home Way Marble Non-Stick Frying Pan 32cm

Home Way Marble Non-Stick Frying Pan 32cm Non-stickable Heat insulated handle
هوم وي مقلاة سيراميك غير لاصقة 26سم

Home Way Ceramic Non-Stick Frying Pan 26cm

Home Way Ceramic Non-Stick Frying Pan 26cm Non-stickable Heat insulated handle
هوم وي مقلاة سيراميك غير لاصقة 24سم

Home Way Ceramic Non-Stick Frying Pan 24cm

59.00 50.25
Home Way Ceramic Non-Stick Frying Pan 24cm Non-stickable Heat insulated handle
هوم وي مقلاة سيراميك غير لاصقة 30سم

Home Way Ceramic Non-Stick Frying Pan 30cm

Home Way Ceramic Non-Stick Frying Pan 30cm Non-stickable Heat insulated handle
تيفال مقلات غير لاصقة 26سم

Tefal non-stick frying pan 26 cm

Tefal frying pan 26 cm Non-stickable Heat insulated handle
تيفال مقلات غير لاصقة 28سم

Tefal non-stick frying pan 28 cm

165.00 147.50
Tefal frying pan 28 cm Non-stickable Heat insulated handle
طقم زبدية زجاج 6.9انتش 4حبات

6.9 inch glass bowl set 4 pieces

Glass bowl set of 4 pieces Medium size Size 6.9 inches
زبدية زجاج 4.6 انتش 4ح3

Glass Bowl 4.6" 4H

4h glass bowl Size 4.6 inch Versatile
زبدية زجاج 4.9انتش 4ح

Glass Bowl 4.9" 4H

4h glass bowl Size 4.9 inch Versatile
زبدية زجاج 5انتش 4ح

5 inch glass bowl 4h

4h glass bowl 5 inch size Versatile
فناجيل قهوة زجاج 12حبة

Glass coffee cups, 12 pieces

12 glass coffee cups Transparent with gold line
ابريق شاي كوري 3لتر

Korean teapot 3 liters

Korean teapot 3 liters Golden color Heat insulated handle
ابريق شاي كوري 4لتر

Korean teapot 4 liters

Korean teapot 4 liters Golden color Heat insulated handle
ابريق شاي كوري 6لتر

Korean teapot 6 liters

Korean teapot 6 liters Golden color Heat insulated handle
ترمس ماء الواحة 10جالون

Oasis water thermos 10 gallons

Oasis Water Thermos 10 Gallon Thermos cooler
زوجيروشي ترمس ابوفيل ياباني 3لتر

Zojirushi Japanese Apophil Thermos 3L

Zojirushi Japanese Apophil Thermos 3L
صمصام ترموس خشبي 0.5لتر

Wooden thermos 0.5 liter

Thermos flask wooden color 0.5L
ترموس روتبونت الماني 1.5لتر

Rotpunt German Thermos 1.5L

Rotpont German Thermos 1.5L Beige color Keeps heat for a long time